Huge Change in Massachusetts Snow and Ice Law

Here is an informative article I found over at on when, and when not to, hire a personal injury lawyer. The article does a good job of dealing with this issue that concerns injury victims each and every day. If someone carelessly injured you and you are unsure whether or not to get a lawyer, at least consult […] has a great, great article on the topic of personal injury claims against property owners. Generally, in Massachusetts, property owners are required to keep their property in a reasonably safe condition free from hazardous defects.  Here is the article, and keep in mind that it is NOT tailored specifically to Massachusetts law: Proving Fault […]

I found this over at and thought I would share it with my readers: What Not to Say When Pulled Over by a Cop by Jennifer Waters Sunday, September 19, 2010 In what he calls an “educational video” that’s widely circulated on YouTube, comedian Chris Rock offers advice on what to do when you get […]

This is a topic I deal with quite frequently when representing personal injury victims. Often, my clients will call me and tell me the accident they were involved in has financially harmed them so much, they are willing to take a loan out. The loan is typically financed by a pre-settlement funding company. When my […]

Arbitration is a great way to achieve finality to a personal injury case in Massachusetts. Here are 10 reasons that make arbitration so appealing: it is relatively inexpensive; it is quick; it is relaxed; the rules of evidence are relaxed; the parties can mutually agree on an arbitrator; it gives both parties a ‘mini trial’ […]

I am a very strong proponent of mediation because it offers so many advantages for my injured clients. Trials are expensive, unpredictable, stressful, and if possible, avoidable with mediation. Here are some reasons that make mediation so attractive for Massachusetts personal injury claimants: it is relatively inexpensive (roughly $500/side for a half-day); it is confidential; it is relative quick, and […]

Yesterday I learned that the folks over at rated the Massachusetts Personal Injury Blog one of the top 50 personal injury blogs in the blogosphere. This recognition means a great, great deal to me and I truly appreciate being on such an esteemed list of blogs. Thanks guys.

The following article by the Wall Street Journal Health Blog offers some alarming information on just how much medical errors financially burden the United States economy. Here is the article: Medical errors and the problems they can cause — including bed sores, post-op infections and implant or device complications — cost the U.S. economy $19.5 billion in […]

signing document

At our law office we are fully aware that each and every day Massachusetts auto insurance companies, upon learning of an auto accident in which they may have to pay out money damages, will send an insurance adjuster to the home of the injured party and attempt to have him/her sign a release. They do this before the […]

The highest state court in Massachusetts  – the Supreme Judicial Court – in the case of Papadopoulos v Target, abolished the distinction of natural vs. unnatural accumulations of snow and ice this week. Now, in order to establish a solid snow and ice case, the injury victim must show the property owner was unreasonable in the removal […]