Great New Decision for Massachusetts Slip and Fall Injury Victims

Yes, even if you received a citation for a Massachusetts auto accident, you can still bring a claim. Many times citations are overturned by magistrates. Don’t think your case is dead if you received a citation. Sometimes a good fight is worth it if you feel your citation was improper.

Some slip and fall cases are stronger than others. Of course, even if your case is not strong, that does NOT mean you do not have a case worth pursuing. Here are some elements that characterize a strong personal injury case: Good photographs were taken which show the area of the slip and fall accident was negligently maintained; […]

The aftermath of an auto accident, slip and fall, injury at work, or any other injury causing event can cause great stress to not only the injury victim, but also to his or her family. In order to make the aftermath just a little easier for you, here are my tips to those who have […]

If your case does not settle, you may be headed to a jury trial, which means the defense attorney representing the insurance company will be cross-examining you in court. Here are 10 tips to make this oftentimes stressful experience a little bit easier: Always tell the truth; Never guess; Always show respect to the judge, […]

I found this over at the Springfield Injury Law Blog and it was such a good post that I wanted to post it here: If you have been hurt in a car accident and have hired a personal injury lawyer to help with your case, you’ve already taken the first step to securing a more successful outcome.  Below […]

NO! Never. These lenders offer loans to those who have pending personal injury claims open, in the hopes of hooking injury victims who are financially strapped and will agree to unreasonable loan repayments terms. I always counsel my injury clients not to take out such loans, unless it is absolutely necessary. These lending companies charge […]

Generally in Massachusetts, if you slip and fall at a retail store, the store will refuse to give to you a copy of the incident report. The insurance adjuster assigned to your claim will also refuse to give to you a copy, even if you have an attorney working the case for you. Usually, the […]

This article from Healthcare Finance News provides more data to defeat the myths advanced by tort reform advocates. What is sad is that many victims of medical errors never pursue their claims against the responsible parties. Here is the article: Analysis: Medical Malpractice Payments Continue to Fall March 10, 2010 | Chelsey Ledue, Associate Editor WASHINGTON […]

Many people in Massachusetts have health coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield. Following a personal injury event (car accident, slip and fall, etc.) Blue Cross may pay a portion of your medical bills. If you receive a settlement at the end of your case, then Blue Cross has the legal right to obtain from you […]

The Massachusetts Appeals Court last week decided the case of SOEDERBERG vs. CONCORD GREENE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION & another. In that case, the Plaintiff was injured while walking from a walkway to a parking lot as she was trying to get to her car parked in the parking lot. Both the walkway and the parking lot had […]