How Much Do Personal Injury Lawyers Charge?

This list does not cover all factors that determine the value of a claim, only some of them: Type of accident; Whether or not the accident was partly your fault; The type of injury was sustained; Whether or not you had surgery; Whether or not the injury is permanent; Whether or not you lost time […]

Many of my clients, at the end of their case, often tell me that they were not going to pursue their case initially. They tell me that once they realized the insurance company did not care about them, as their medical bills soared, and their injuries just got worse, is when they decided to contact my […]

Here is how insurance law works, generally speaking, when you have been involved in a bicycle accident in Massachusetts: The auto insurance company that insures the driver who hit you will pay up to $8,000.00 of your medical bills, as well as 75% of your lost wages. Note that your auto insurance company does not […]

Yes. If you were hurt in an accident outside of Massachusetts, you can hire a Massachusetts personal injury lawyer if you live in Massachusetts to help you. Many times, the law of the state where your accident occurred controls which state’s laws will apply to your case.

The following points are intended to illustrate the beneficial effects of personal injury lawyers on society: Personal injury lawyers force insurance companies to compensate the injured fairly; Personal injury lawyers force people who have injured someone in a car accident to be held accountable for the damages and injuries they caused in the accident; Personal […]

If you have been involved in a personal injury accident in Massachusetts, and your health insurance company has paid some, or all of your medical bills relating to your accident, then they are entitled to be paid back if you receive a settlement. The money they are paid back comes out of the settlement. This […]

This subject makes me sick. I cannot believe how this can happen, but it does. It makes me so sick that I wanted to share this article I found over at CBS Channel 3 in Springfield, Massachusetts. The article  illuminates what families need to know if a loved one has been the victim of nursing home abuse in Massachusetts. […]

When you have been involved in a Massachusetts accident, and you hire an attorney, it can take months, or even years, for the case to come to a conclusion. First, your case cannot even be attempted to be resolved until you have completed your medical treatment. Once you do reach a medical end result with […]

Yes. Statistics show that claimants who have an attorney often receive a higher settlement – even after the legal fee is deducted – than those who negotiate with an insurance company without representation. Suppose you were injured in a small rear-ender, and the insurance company calls you soon after the accident and offers you $500.00 […]

Generally, lawyers who take on auto accident, slip and fall, dog bite, and other personal injury cases charge a fee of 1/3 of the recovery. Very seldom does a lawyer who represents personal injury victims charge by the hour. What the 1/3 percentage fee means is that if the lawyer obtains a settlement, or verdict for the client, the lawyer will take 1/3 of […]