Nearly twenty years ago when I opened my practice I decided to dedicate my career to advancing the rights of injury victims against powerful insurance companies. Personally, I find great satisfaction in helping good and honest people who have been wronged due to no fault of their own. I am really proud to have earned our clients’ hard-earned trust by running a law firm our clients can always count on to do the right thing.

I am a family man, attorney, author of 6 books, columnist for 2 publications for attorneys, podcaster, a terrible drummer, and the founder and CEO of the Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers.

My proudest accomplishment in life is being a father to my two young children. The reason for this is because my Dad was not around for me. It’s not that he did not want to be around for me, it’s because he was too sick to be. He was a very good man. He unfortunately developed an addiction to alcohol which killed him.

He was a successful head-hunter in Manhattan, which meant he placed job candidates with employers, and he was paid for each successful placement he made. He even started his own business right in midtown Manhattan. His addiction though got so bad that he lost his business, and ended up homeless in 1983,living on the streets of Manhattan. He became a panhandler. Seeing him there was hard and confusing for me because I was so young. I talk about this time of my life in my book called Journey to Father. I am happy to send you a copy of the book if you call the office and request one.

Because my Father left our home, my Mom immediately became a single parent when I was 6 years old, and after being a stay-at-home mother for many years, she was suddenly forced to find a job and provide for the two of us. She hadn’t worked, or needed to work, in decades. She was now almost 50 years-old and joining the workforce.

My childhood provided me real lessons on the value of hard work. My mother worked her tail off and miraculously was able to sacrifice enough to be able to put me in the best schools. That taught me my work ethic. It also taught me that you do anything to help support your children. She encouraged me to work hard hard and apply myself in school. I worked very hard in high school and college, and applied to law school. Law school was an incredible challenge and I loved it. I took the bar exam and passed on the first try. I was on cloud nine.

The job market back in 2004 was tough. Finding a job was proving to be very hard, so I took the leap of opening up my own law practice even though I had no clients, or experience. I decided to only handle personal injury cases and never looked back. At the beginning though, there were really, really hard times. I had to learn some really tough lessons on not only practicing law, but of running a business. Money was very tight during those early years. I wasn’t sure if the business was going to make it. A few years later, I met my wife and our first child, Oliver, was born. It was around the time of the birth of our daughter Alice that things finally started to click. I realized at that point the business was going to make it, and I could finally stop worrying about it. Today, the business is exploding and has grown from just me, to a large team. I am so grateful and blessed to have experienced all those challenges along this journey, because they provide constant motivation every single day to keep working hard and to never, ever get too comfortable.

I live on the South Shore and am married to my wonderful wife, Rory. She always supports me and has been my rock from the moment I met her. Together we have an amazing, and curious 9 year-old son named Oliver. Our second child, Alice, is 6 years-old and melts our hearts every single day. We are a tight family, and spend nearly all our free time together.

In my spare time I enjoy coaching my son’s baseball and basketball teams, playing with Barbies and princesses with my daughter, coaching her soccer team, as well as working out and staying in shape so I can keep up with my crazy kids. I also try not to drive my family and neighbors crazy with my horrible drumming skills. Meditation I have recently discovered and I now do it each morning. It has made a profound impact on my life.

I proudly serve on the Hingham Little League Board as a member, and sponsor and coach numerous Hingham youth sports teams. I also am involved in the South Shore Chamber of Commerce.

My life is very full, and I am grateful.

For my office, a core principle for us is to help the community. As I have gotten older I discovered it is so rewarding to give back to the community. That is why I have aligned my office with amazing organizations such as the Greater Boston Food Bank, as well as the Chelsea Collaborative. Each of these community, grassroots organizations helps those in need. At our office our entire team believes that helping the community is our obligation, and plus, it makes us feel so good to roll up our sleeves and help the needy in our community in any way we can.

We also help the community through the publication of a book series I have authored called The Truth Series. This is a collection of free consumer guides written specifically to help injury victims and their families make the very best possible decisions with their personal injury case. Client education is a core value of our company.

Professionally I am humbled to have been named a Massachusetts Super Lawyer multiple times, which is one of the highest honors an attorney can achieve. Less than 5% of attorneys receive this honor.

I also have the honor of writing a monthly column for the American Bar Association, as well as for Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. Both columns teach lawyers on how to operate their practices more efficiently and effectively.

Additionally, I write three different newsletters each month, and a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Solo/Small Firm Section Council.

I also have the pleasure of speaking frequently to various bar organizations where I teach fellow attorneys about business side of running a law firm.

I am a busy guy and enjoy the grind of working hard and providing the very best I can for my family.

Call us at 617-444-7777, or request our FREE consumer guides. We are here to help you make the very best decisions possible for your case.

Education Education
  • J.D., New England Law, 2004
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
  • Massachusetts, 2004
Professional & Bar Association Memberships Professional & Bar Association Memberships
  • Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys
  • National Lawyers Guild
  • Boston Bar Association
  • Massachusetts State Bar