Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorneys

Accidents can throw your life off balance, but you don’t have to handle the aftermath alone. At Earley Law Group, we understand the stress you’re facing. Our mission is to guide you through this difficult time with the care and attention you deserve. We offer personalized legal support and focus on securing the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost income, and more.

Our Massachusetts personal injury law firm combines aggressive advocacy with compassionate service. With over 600 positive Google results to our name, you know your personal injury case is in good hands. Call Earley Law today or complete our contact form for a free, no-obligation case review.

Why Should I Hire a Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorney?

A personal injury lawyer in Massachusetts offers you the support and legal experience necessary to win a claim. Your attorney does more than represent you in court. It’s their job to protect your rights and help recover fair compensation for your injuries. Lawyers understand the legal system inside and out, including the deadlines for filing claims and the evidence you need to prove your case.

With a personal injury lawyer by your side, you gain a knowledgeable ally who can deal with insurance companies on your behalf, negotiate settlements, and represent you in court if needed. They work tirelessly to secure compensation for any losses the accident caused. Without legal representation, you risk missing out on the money you need.

By choosing to work with a personal injury attorney, you alleviate the stress of dealing with legal proceedings, allowing you to focus on your recovery. This support not only provides peace of mind but also helps make sure every aspect of your claim is handled professionally.

Why choose Earley Law for your personal injury lawsuit? Beyond our extensive experience and proven track record, we offer something other firms don’t: the Earley Experience. That’s our guarantee to make the legal process as easy on you as possible at every step. We know you’re hurting, and we pride ourselves on providing 5-star customer service to every client. If you are not happy with your experience with us, we will do whatever we can to make it right.

How Do I Know If I Have a Personal Injury Claim?

In most Massachusetts personal injury cases, the goal is to show how someone else caused the accident through their negligent actions. Negligence means whoever caused the accident did so because they failed to take reasonable precautions. The other party’s actions don’t have to be criminal to be negligent. What matters is that they could have prevented the accident by being more careful.

A practical and sadly common example of negligence in Massachusetts is speeding accidents. Speeding isn’t a criminal offense in most cases, but it is a violation of traffic regulations and increases the risk of a crash. If a speeding driver hits you, you could argue that they caused the crash because they were going too fast and weren’t concerned with your safety. Of course, you have to prove your case using compelling evidence and sound legal arguments, which is where having a Massachusetts personal injury lawyer from Earley Law makes such a critical difference.

What Damages Could I Be Entitled to in a Personal Injury Case?

Your personal injury compensation depends on the severity of your injuries, your medical bills, your lost income, and other elements specific to your case. Earley Law will always fight to recover the maximum amount for your losses, including compensation for:

  • Your past and ongoing medical expenses resulting from the accident
  • The cost of any future treatments you may need
  • Your lost income while you heal
  • Any change in your future earning potential due to your injuries
  • Your pain and suffering
  • Your emotional distress
  • Your damaged personal property, if applicable

Can I Still Get Compensation If I Was Partly to Blame for My Injuries?

Many people worry that they somehow contributed to their own injuries in an accident. We understand this concern, but there’s good news: You likely can still recover compensation even if you are partly to blame for your injuries.

Like most states, Massachusetts recognizes that many accidents do not have one clearly liable party and accounts for these situations. Massachusetts law says that as long as your degree of fault for an accident is less than the combined fault of all other responsible parties, you can still recover compensation for your injuries.

However, it’s worth noting that if you played a role in an accident, your compensation is reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, if you are 20 percent to blame, you would lose 20 percent of your compensation.

Many people try to dodge responsibility for an accident by claiming that the person they injured is the real culprit. A Massachusetts personal injury attorney from Earley Law can help you disprove this argument and fight for the maximum amount available in your circumstances.

How Soon Should I Start a Personal Injury Claim?

You should speak to a Massachusetts personal injury attorney from Earley Law as soon as possible after an accident. For one thing, a lawyer can preserve vital evidence before it deteriorates or disappears, strengthening your chances of winning your case.

In addition, you likely have medical bills piling up and are missing a lot of money because you can’t work. The sooner you contact an attorney, the faster they can start your case and help you recover the money you need.

Finally, waiting too long to start a personal injury claim can make it look like your injuries aren’t as bad as you say. Insurance companies look for any reason they can find to deny or reduce your claim, and you don’t want to give them any evidence they can use against you. Taking prompt legal action helps demonstrate the severity of your injuries and your need for compensation.

How Long Do I Have in Massachusetts to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Massachusetts law says you must file a personal injury lawsuit within three years of an accident in most circumstances. However, you might have less time to file in certain cases, particularly if your case involves negligence by a government agency. Waiting too long to act could jeopardize your rights, so make sure you speak to a lawyer right away.

How Long Does a Typical Personal Injury Case Last?

Every personal injury case is different, so it’s hard to say how long a typical case takes. Some cases conclude within a few weeks or months, while others may take several years. In particular, taking a personal injury claim to trial significantly lengthens the timeline, though a trial is sometimes necessary to achieve justice. Your lawyer can give you a better estimate of your case’s likely timeline once they investigate the accident.

What Must Be Proven in a Personal Injury Claim?

In most personal injury cases, the goal is to prove that:

  • Another party had a responsibility to avoid causing an accident
  • They failed in that responsibility
  • You suffered injuries as a result of their failure
  • Your injuries resulted in actual losses

You need convincing evidence to prove your case, and a personal injury lawyer can help you find the evidence you need. Common types of evidence in personal injury cases include:

  • Medical Records – These documents detail your injuries, any treatment you received, and any ongoing medical issues you’re experiencing from the accident. They show the direct impact of the accident on your health.
  • Photos and Videos – Images or videos taken at the accident scene can provide clear evidence of the conditions that led to your injuries, including any hazards or actions by others.
  • Witness Statements – Testimony from people who saw the accident can support your account of events, offering an independent perspective on what happened.
  • Police Reports – If law enforcement responded to the scene, their reports might include observations and conclusions about the accident.
  • Expert Testimony – Specialists in fields like accident reconstruction or medical professionals can provide insight into how the accident occurred, the extent of your injuries, and the likely impact of those injuries on your life.

What Are Common Personal Injury Cases?

Our Massachusetts personal injury attorneys handle a broad range of accidents. No matter what happened to you, we pledge to protect your rights to the full extent of the law. Some common types of cases we handle include:

What Types of Injuries Happen Due to Personal Injury Accidents?

Accidents in Massachusetts may result in injuries that range from relatively minor to catastrophic. Common injuries in personal injury cases include:

Regardless of the severity of your injuries, if someone else’s actions injured you and you’re dealing with medical expenses as a result, you deserve the chance to seek compensation.

Contact a Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorney Today

We at Earley Law know you’re hurting, and we want to help you through this difficult chapter. Our Massachusetts personal injury attorneys are ready to listen and start on your case right away. Call us today or reach out online for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.