Scarring and Disfigurement

Scarring and disfigurement are something that no one ever wants to experience. These injuries can happen from a variety of causes, and sometimes they can be horrific. Frequently these injuries arise from a personal injury accident. Many times the victim of a personal injury accident did nothing to cause the accident and was simply innocent and became injured due to no fault of their own.

Boston scarring lawyer Christopher Earley has experience with scarring and disfigurement cases and can help if a person or company negligently caused you to be scarred and/or disfigured.

Sadly scars are quite common following a personal injury accident. They can also result from surgery. Scars occur when the second layer of the skin – the dermis – becomes injured. It is estimated that globally 100 million people each year sustain a scar.

Typically, younger people heal better and are less likely to scar as opposed to older individuals whose skin may be less resilient to scarring.

Scars are painful and permanent reminders of an unfortunate accident. These injuries can cause shame, self-consciousness, embarrassment, anger, and other powerful emotions, especially when they are on the face. A scar is damaged skin where fibrous connective tissue develops.

Common Types of Scars

  • Keloid – These types of scars result when the body excessively heals the original injury, and go beyond the original site of injury. They are raised scars that can be dark, red and lumpy. Darker skin is more prone to keloid scar formation.
  • Hypertrophic – These scars are raised and red and do not go beyond the original injury like keloids do. These scars can be itchy and painful.
  • Atrophic – These scars can be depressed, or sunken below the surface of the skin.

Common Causes of Scarring

Although scarring can result from a variety of personal injury accidents, here are some of the most common examples:

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Scarring Attorney

These cases are almost always handled on a contingency fee basis. That means the attorney does not get paid until the “contingency” of a settlement or verdict occurs. These contingent fees are generally anywhere from between 30%-40%. The attorney will also advance the cost of any out-of-expenses that are required during the life of the case.

Also, if there is a settlement, please keep in mind that any settlement money received is not taxed under either state or federal law. There are some minor and limited exceptions to this general rule when damages collected are for emotional distress.

Boston Scarring and Disfigurement Lawyer

Contact Boston, MA scarring and disfigurement lawyer Christopher Earley today for help with your Massachusetts personal injury case. We are excited to begin helping you with your case. Call today to get started. Call us at 617-444-7777 or email us at If you have not done so already, read our free collection of consumer guides called The Truth Series before you make any legal decisions regarding your case.