Massachusetts Talc Injury Lawsuit Attorneys


Talc is a mineral found in different products on the market. It has come to light in recent years that talc can cause extremely serious injuries to innocent people. As a result, there has been extensive litigation filed against the manufacturers of talc that have been responsible for brining talc to the marketplace.

Talc, or talcum powder, consists of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. It is commonly found in cosmetic products, personal care products, baby powder, body powders, and as well as in other products.

The Talc Litigation

Litigation has spawned throughout the country against the makers of talc. The reason for that is because thousands of people have become seriously injured as a result of using products containing talc.

Some of the most common health conditions caused by talc exposure are ovarian cancer and mesothelioma. Ovarian cancer has been suffered by women who have been exposed to talc as a result of feminine hygiene products. As well, others have suffered from mesothelioma from exposure to talc.

Many lawsuits in recent years have been filed against both pharmaceutical companies and makers of talc. These lawsuits have been filed against these companies and seek to hold them liable for the harm talc has caused. Some common claims for compensation stemming from exposure to talc are for payment of medical bills, payment for pain and suffering, lost income, as well as any and other damages and losses brought to innocent people through their exposure to products containing talc.

How to Get Started With Legal Action

If you have previously been exposed to products containing talc and have been diagnosed with injuries as a result, then you may be entitled to compensation. Keep in mind these strict statutes of limitations. This means if you fail to file your claim within a given period of time, then your claim may be time-barred forever.

Call today the Earley Law Group Injury Lawyers at 617 444 7777 for a free consultation to see if you have a legal claim for compensation for injuries caused by talc.