Snow and ice is a major cause of personal injury. Due to our climate, Massachusetts residents have their fair share of slip and fall accidents on snow and ice each year. Boston snow and ice slip and fall lawyer Christopher Earley can help you if you were injured in one of these accidents.

Slip and fall accidents are no laughing matter as they can cause broken bones, dislocations, and other very serious personal injuries.

Massachusetts Snow and Ice Accident Law

Before 2010, Massachusetts landowners would only be held liable for negligence if there was an “unnatural acccumulation” of snow and ice on their property. Proving that standard was met was very difficult.

That meant for many Massachusetts snow and ice accident victims, the doors to the courthouses were closed for their claims.

That prior legal standard for snow and ice liability would be replaced by the groundbreaking case of Papadopoulos v. Target Corporation.

The highest court in Massachusetts, the Supreme Judicial Court, held in that case that private landowners must keep their property reasonably clear of snow and ice.

That does not mean private landowners must make sure there is not a single shred of snow and ice on their property.

Rather, what it means is that deciding what is “reasonable” removal of snow and ice on private property would be judged on a case by case basis.

That meant the courts were welcoming cases they previously rejected.

Massachusetts law for these accidents is very extensive. Because of how extensive it is, it pays to have an experienced attorney on your side.

Who Can Be Held Liable for These Accidents?

Before a case can proceed, it must be determined who, if anyone, can be held responsible. Generally, any party that had a role in causing your slip and fall accident can be held liable. That includes property owners, possessors of property, and snow removal contractors.

Sometimes lease agreements and snow removal contracts must be reviewed to determine responsibility.

Once the proper parties are identified, the next step is to put the liability insurance company for each involved party on notice about the claim.

Once that happens then the insurance companies begin their own investigations to determine if their insured has potential liability.

Common Injuries From Snow and Ice Accidents

Boston Snow and Ice Slip and Fall Lawyer Christopher Earley

I encourage you to call us today if you slipped and fell on snow and ice in Massachusetts.

We have a proven track record of success with these cases. Also, we frequently successfully settle cases that were rejected by other lawyers.

Find out how we can help you with your slip and fall on snow and ice accident case.

We only get paid if we win your case and we are highly experienced with Massachusetts premises liability cases. We are Boston lawyers for slips and falls on snow and ice that can help you.

More Information:

  • My Landlord Did Not Remove Snow or Ice From a Staircase and I Fell
  • Things to Do After After a Slip and Fall Accident
  • If You Slippped and Fell on Snow and Ice